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Welcome to LovingKindness Nutrition, designed to help you heal your relationship with food by gently guiding you to your internal wisdom in when, what, and how to eat for your body (even if you desire to change it).
Our Approach
A NON-DIET approach, providing you with an open and non-judgmental space to discuss your relationship with food and your body, while incorporating some gentle nutrition to help you attain a sustainable eating and movement pattern.
-We aim to help you make eating choices from a place of self-care and connection to your body, instead of from a place of self-punishment or culturally-influenced food "rules."
-Deconstructing external food rules by implementing Intuitive Eating principles to help you rediscover the pleasure in eating, stop chronic dieting, and make peace with food
-Redefining the true meaning of health - we won’t measure your health by your size or appearance
-Gentle and individualized care with a collaborative approach
Let’s Chat!
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